
Compiled and Written by Michael R. Fletcher. Copyright ©2003, All Rights Reserved.
First Edition printed and published by

Oatmeal Apple Crumble - Michael Fletcher

(I think I first made this in Idaho while in college.  My roommates and I concocted it together with what we had in the kitchen…it tuned out pretty darn good!)

1 cup sifted flour                                
½ tsp salt
1 cup sugar                                          
1 cup oats
½ cup butter, melted                          
3 cups diced apples
½ tsp cinnamon                                  
1 tbsp water

Save 1 tbsp of flour for the filling.  Sift remaining flour, salt, and ½ cup of the sugar.  Stir in the oats.  Stir in the melted butter until crumbly.  Press ½ of the mixture into 9 inch pan covering bottom and sides.  Combine apples, ½ cup sugar, 1 tbsp flour, cinnamon and water.  Pout into the crust, sprinkle with remaining oat mixture over the fruit.  Bake 350º until tender 30-40 minutes.