
Compiled and Written by Michael R. Fletcher. Copyright ©2003, All Rights Reserved.
First Edition printed and published by

Salt Water Taffy - Michael Fletcher

(Nothing beats getting the kids to help play with the food, like pulling taffy!)

1 cup sugar                                          
½ tsp salt
2 tbsp cornstarch                                
2 tbsp butter
¾ cup light corn syrup                       
2 tsp vanilla
½ cup water

Mix sugar and cornstarch in saucepan.  Stir in syrup, water, salt and butter.  Bring to boil.  Stir constantly till sugar is dissolved, then cook without stirring until 260º on a candy thermometer.  Remove from heat and stir in vanilla.  Pour onto well greased baking sheet and let stand to cool enough to handle.  Then pull until white and satiny in appearance.  Pull out into ½ inch strips and cut with scissors, wrapping with wax paper strips.  Try different food colorings and flavor extracts instead of vanilla.