
Compiled and Written by Michael R. Fletcher. Copyright ©2003, All Rights Reserved.
First Edition printed and published by

Ice Cream Special - Sister Fisher

(Charlene met Sis. Fisher in Pennsylvania on her mission)

4 squares of semi-sweet chocolate  
graham cracker crust for 9x13 pan
1 stick margarine                                
2 cups powdered sugar
3 eggs                                                    
1 tsp vanilla
½ gallon vanilla ice cream                
1 cup chopped nuts

Melt margarine and chocolate in heavy bottomed pan.  Add sugar and beaten eggs.  Beat until smooth.  Add vanilla and nuts.  Mix well.  Spread over chilled crust.  Chill in freezer.  Let ice cream soften.  Spread over chilling filling, cover and set in freezer.  Serve with fudge sauce and nut topping.