
Compiled and Written by Michael R. Fletcher. Copyright ©2003, All Rights Reserved.
First Edition printed and published by

See’s $100,000 Fudge - Mark Seng

1 cup chopped walnuts                     
2 cups sugar
1 tsp vanilla                                         
1 cup mini marshmallows
1 cube margarine                                
1-6oz can evaporated milk
1 pkg chocolate chips

In a large mixing bowl, combine nuts, vanilla, margarine, and chips.  In a large saucepan, combine sugar, marshmallows, and evaporated milk.  Bring ingredients to a boil.  Boil 6 minutes stirring constantly.  Pour hot mixture over contents in the bowl.  Stir until chips dissolve.  Pour into greased 8x8 pan or dish.  Cool.