½ cup sugar
2 cups milk
¼ tsp salt
3 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
milk in top of
double boiler and soften gelatin. Place
over hot water and ad sugar and stir until dissolved. Pour slowly on yolks of eggs, slightly beaten with
salt. Return to double boiler and cook
until thickened somewhat, stirring constantly.
Remove from stove, add flavoring, and fold in lightly the egg whites (beaten until stiff). Turn into one large or individual molds that have been rinsed in
cold water and then place in fridge.
This will separate and form a jelly on the bottom with custard on
top. If you do not wish this to separate
into two layers, allow the custard to cool somewhat before adding the stiffly
beaten egg whites. When firm unmold and
serve with whipped cream, sliced oranges or fruit.